Sunday, May 8, 2011

Life is an Ocean

When I’m listening to music It can take me to a completely different place. It is like the artist molds both the lyrics and the melody to perfectly encapture a part of my mind and magnifies it to a place of complete clarity. I whimsically dream of having the ability to do that. To take another persons mind to a place greater than they are capable. It gets me thinking if that was the intention when they made it. If it was for the perception of the listener or for them to magnify their own thoughts. If the closeness that I feel with this artist is something that is purely constructed in my mind. A way for me to reach out to a complete stranger because the art that they produce sparks something in me. Then I get to wondering if music is the only way to reach this pure emotion, pure clarity. Whether the only way to connect with another is through the an experience that they are letting me listen in on, an experience that I can in some way relate to. I often think about how humans relate to each other. How each individual I have ever met has had an effect on the way that I am now. I kind of envision it as though we are floating along on some ocean like body of water too infinite for our minds to encapture. We are all separate but joined in the area that we are sharing. And each person that we ever meet effects the direction that we are floating. Some people only send ripples our way, slightly changing our courses in an insignificant manner. Others collide with us with such a strength that they alter our course, our ship, ourselves… forever. And these collisions; do they only alter our directions or do they leave something behind, a constant reminder of the individual that crashed into us. Perhaps music, art, is a way of transending these collisions by way of a current, a directive force that requires no direct contact but irrevocably alters us. Leaves us with a lasting impression from beneath the collisions of intimate human relations, transending what meeting someone can do and becoming part of the ocean that we are floating upon. Perhaps there are more mediums than music, than art, perhaps that is what the power of shared thoughts, political movements, religious beliefs hold. They explain the directions that individuals are moving in because they are the underlying current directing their floating nature. Perhaps this world is just an ocean governed by perceptions and currents which are more complex than any individual can control or comprehend.

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